so i received an invitation to a pretty fancy party on saturday at the plaza hotel in nyc. can't get in to details but, suffice it to say, i have nothing appropriate to wear to this shindig, nor the monetary resources to buy a brand new cocktail style dress.
this left me with 2 options. one, i could buy a super cheap dress from walmart/target/marshall's etc. or two, i could try to make something. i have, more than likely foolishly, decided to go with option 2.
i picked up a pattern, thread, fabrics and all the necessary tools and am beyond excited to attempt this but my time frame has left me with less than 24 hours to pull this thing together. mind you, professionals on shows like project runway don't even like to try this madness, and they're competing for money and contracts.
this is not my very first time using a sewing machine, but i haven't used one in over 10 years. i actually have one of my closest friends, meredith, pretty much on speed dial write now, as i go through this process. i didn't even know what the symbols on the pattern meant. words like selvage and interfacing and notches have now entered my vocabulary.
i have decided that, if option 2 does not end up working, then it's to option 1 i go.
i mention all of this because, i have a really bad habit of developing these grandiose ideas, getting all revved up and psyched about it, and then never totally following through. honestly, if i followed through on even just 30% of what i set in my mind to do, i would probably be a rich, skinny, wife of some successful celebrity, splashed evenly across the pages of forbes, vogue and people. while i simultaneously solved world hunger, world peace, and global warming.
but, alas, i am not. and so i am stuck, trying to make a princess worthy dress on a pauper's dime.
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