Monday, September 29, 2008

as lyre sharpens lyre

i had the opportunity to assist some really great artists this past week. on monday night in nyc and then again last nite in philly the gabe dixon band performed, as the opening act for justin nozuka, and i volunteered to work the merch table for them.

last night, in particular, i had an exceptionally fantastic time. not only were all the bands amazing, i had the opportunity to hang and chat with one of the artists and it was so refreshing. we discussed song writing and nashville and all things creative. these are the types of conversations i used to have with some of my nashville friends, back in the day. i honestly did not realize just how much i deeply and passionately missed this. i walked away from both gigs incredibly invigorated. inspired to get back to that musical i've put on hold due to work obligations. re-charged to face the days ahead with more than just lethargic exhaustion.

i realized last tuesday, and it was reinforced today, that i desperately need to be around other creatives. i really don't know any in my locale but if i have to go up to nyc every weekend, so be it! i'm up there so much as it is i should probably just move.

well, if you have not become familar with the gabe dixon band, you most defintely need to make their musical acquaintance. and while you're checking out great music, take a listen to justin nozuka. that kid has some serious soul.

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