i am no longer working in human resources at a medical device company. thank the heavens! while being unemployed is not the most fun place to be, i am most certainly excited about the adventure ahead. i do not regret studying for and passing the test to become a certified professional in human resources. but, i've always felt the corporate (whether for or not-for profit) world was a 'fall back'. while i say i go back to it for the money, honestly, i usually go back to it, to prove i can. that i'm smart and talented enough to make it in that world. this way, when i choose to leave it and to live in a tiny room in brooklyn with 4 roommates and no tv, i know, deep down, that i've lived the on the other side of the tracks, and was joy-less.
my joy comes from the arts. i'm a choreographer, a writer, a singer, a dancer and an actress. i produce great and wonderful pieces, in my mind. an intellectually creative mind, that lives so far outside the box that it believes the box is merely a myth.
but i live in fear. and i allow external things to change my resolve. i have made many a great excuse as to why these many talents have remained in a semi-dormant state.
my hope is to live in the land of defeat no longer. my aim is to succeed.
and this time, however long that time is, this time, i will.